We Help Mines Improve Safety, Increase Productivity & Save Money.
Revolutionizing 3D LiDAR data processing with automated cloud-based workflow, saving time, reducing costs, and enhancing data accuracy.

We address the shortcomings of the current workflow for converting raw 3D LiDAR point cloud data into meaningful deliverables

Save Time
VoidMapper eliminates the need for manual data processing, which can save mines significant time and money.

Accurate & Reliable
VoidMapper's automated data processing pipeline ensures that the data is accurate and reliable, which is essential for ensuring safety and productivity.

Ease of Use
VoidMapper is easy to use and does not require any specialized expertise. No special hardware is required.

VoidMapper is a cloud-based solution, which means that data can be accessed from anywhere.

VoidMapper can be scaled to meet the needs of any mine, regardless of size.

Reporting and Deliverables
Go well beyond what is currently available and make managing engineering needs way easier.
If you are an underground mine, I encourage you to learn more about VoidMapper
it can help you improve safety, productivity, and efficiency.
In addition to these technical benefits, VoidMapper also offers a number of other benefits, including:

Improved Safety
VoidMapper can help to improve safety by providing early warning of potential hazards, such as ground instability.

Increased Productivity
VoidMapper can help to reduce costs by reducing the need for manual data processing and by providing more accurate and reliable data that avoids excessive rehabilitation.

Reduced Costs
VoidMapper can help to save costs by reducing the need for human intervention in data processing and providing more dependable and accurate data.
VoidMapper is a powerful tool that can help mines to improve safety, productivity, and efficiency.
Unlock the full potential for LiDAR technology to truly become standard for one of the most fundamental tasks for underground mines: ensuring safety for personnel and productivity of the underground mining process.
Reduced labour costs
VoidMapper eliminates the need for manual data processing, which can save mines significant time and money. For example, a medium-sized mine that tracks 14 km of underground drives per month could save up to $23,310 per month by using VoidMapper instead of in-house manual processing.
Reduced software costs
VoidMapper does not require any specialized software, which can save mines money on licensing fees.
Reduced turnaround times
VoidMapper can provide results in minutes, compared to weeks or even months for manual processing. This can help mines to make more informed decisions about ground support and other safety measures.
Improved accuracy and reliability
VoidMapper's automated data processing pipeline ensures that the data is accurate and reliable, which is essential for ensuring safety and productivity.